On Zoom
Attending: Paul Edworthy Caroline Taylor Shaun Metcalf Sandie Williams
Apologies: Russel Bowden Mark Burrow
Open Forum-None
Minutes from last meeting received.
2nd pitch – the grass is growing quickly. Paul Leftbridge has agreed to cut it for £50 and invoice it to the football club. Will monitor how often it needs cutting.
Funding-nothing further to report.
Container-Maurice Heaver says it is now £75 more than in January. Agreed to go ahead.
Strimmer– costs £275. Agreed to go ahead. Co-op money will pay for it.
Signs– Thank you to Jerry Williams for doing them. CT to thank.
Bow AAC-Grass seeds. KT to send an invoice to them so they can send it in to claim a grant.
Kitchen-to be fitted, will be coming in the next couple of weeks. Help needed and will be on WhatsApp.
Treasurers report -not submitted.
AOB– possible September start for Scouts. SM is the new Group Scout Leader.
Next meeting: 7.30 pm Thursday 6th August 2020.
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